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Drug Interaction Details
01. General Information
Pair Name Luteolin, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand
Phytochemical Name Luteolin (PubChem CID: 5280445 )
Anticancer drug Name TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (PubChem CID: / )
Structure of
Structure of
Anticancer Drug
02. Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)
Synergistic Effect
Enhancing Drug Efficacy
Combination Pair ID: 407
Pair Name Luteolin, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Mitochondrial fission and apoptosis
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Expression DNM1L hsa10059
Up-regulation Phosphorylation MAPK8 hsa5599
Up-regulation Expression TNFRSF10B hsa8795
In Vitro Model A-549 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0023
NCI-H1975 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1511
Result TRAIL combined with luteolin could be as an effective chemotherapeutic strategy for NSCLC.
Combination Pair ID: 845
Pair Name Luteolin, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Apoptosis
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Cleavage CASP8 hsa841
Up-regulation Cleavage CASP9 hsa842
Up-regulation Cleavage PARP1 hsa142
In Vitro Model A-549 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0023
In Vivo Model A549 non-small cell lung cancer cells (2×10⁶) resuspended in 0.1mL of PBS were injected subcutaneously into athymic (nu/nu) male nude mice (5-6 weeks old).
Result Data from this study thus provide strong in vivo evidence supporting that luteolin is a potential sensitizer for TRAIL in anticancer therapy.
Combination Pair ID: 408
Pair Name Luteolin, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C10] Pancreatic cancer Investigative
Gene Regulation Down-regulation Expression CASP8 hsa841
Down-regulation Expression MIR301A hsa407027
In Vitro Model PANC-1 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0480
Result Our findings unveil a critical biological function of miR-301-3p in regulating cell proliferation and elevating an antiproliferative effect of TRAIL on cancer cells. Our observation of miR-301-3p/caspase-8 relationship can also serve to clarify the role of miR-301-3p in other cancer types and related diseases.
03. Reference
No. Title Href
1 Luteolin enhances TRAIL sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer cells through increasing DR5 expression and Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2020 Oct 15;692:108539. doi: 10.1016/ Click
2 Luteolin enhances TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand's anticancer activity in a lung cancer xenograft mouse model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Jan 13;417(2):842-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.12.055. Click
3 Luteolin-regulated MicroRNA-301-3p Targets Caspase-8 and Modulates TRAIL Sensitivity in PANC-1 Cells. Anticancer Res. 2020 Feb;40(2):723-731. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.14003. Click
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